--- Comment #1 from Andreas Schwab <> ---
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

-stage2-gcc/bitmap.o:     file format elf64-littleaarch64
+stage3-gcc/bitmap.o:     file format elf64-littleaarch64

 Disassembly of section .text:
@@ -4788,11 +4788,11 @@
  22c:  aa0003f8        mov     x24, x0
  230:  b5fff200        cbnz    x0, 70
  234:  90000002        adrp    x2, 0
-                       234: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
+                       234: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
  238:  90000000        adrp    x0, 0
                        238: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
  23c:  91000042        add     x2, x2, #0x0
-                       23c: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
+                       23c: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
  240:  91000000        add     x0, x0, #0x0
                        240: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
  244:  528051a1        mov     w1, #0x28d                      // #653
@@ -4827,13 +4827,13 @@
  2a4:  f9000020        str     x0, [x1]
  2a8:  17ffff7a        b       90
  2ac:  90000002        adrp    x2, 0
-                       2ac: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
+                       2ac: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
  2b0:  90000000        adrp    x0, 0
-                       2b0: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
+                       2b0: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
  2b4:  91000042        add     x2, x2, #0x0
-                       2b4: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
+                       2b4: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
  2b8:  91000000        add     x0, x0, #0x0
-                       2b8: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
+                       2b8: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
  2bc:  528012e1        mov     w1, #0x97                       // #151
  2c0:  94000000        bl      0 <_Z11fancy_abortPKciS0_>
                        2c0: R_AARCH64_CALL26   _Z11fancy_abortPKciS0_
@@ -5169,11 +5169,11 @@
  19c:  aa0003f8        mov     x24, x0
  1a0:  b5fff6a0        cbnz    x0, 74
  1a4:  90000002        adrp    x2, 0
-                       1a4: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
+                       1a4: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
  1a8:  90000000        adrp    x0, 0
                        1a8: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
  1ac:  91000042        add     x2, x2, #0x0
-                       1ac: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
+                       1ac: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
  1b0:  91000000        add     x0, x0, #0x0
                        1b0: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
  1b4:  528051a1        mov     w1, #0x28d                      // #653
@@ -5208,13 +5208,13 @@
  214:  f9000020        str     x0, [x1]
  218:  17ffffa0        b       98
  21c:  90000002        adrp    x2, 0
-                       21c: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
+                       21c: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
  220:  90000000        adrp    x0, 0
-                       220: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
+                       220: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
  224:  91000042        add     x2, x2, #0x0
-                       224: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
+                       224: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
  228:  91000000        add     x0, x0, #0x0
-                       228: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
+                       228: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
  22c:  528012e1        mov     w1, #0x97                       // #151
  230:  94000000        bl      0 <_Z11fancy_abortPKciS0_>
                        230: R_AARCH64_CALL26   _Z11fancy_abortPKciS0_
@@ -5419,11 +5419,11 @@
  19c:  aa0003f8        mov     x24, x0
  1a0:  b5fff6a0        cbnz    x0, 74
  1a4:  90000002        adrp    x2, 0
-                       1a4: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
+                       1a4: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
  1a8:  90000000        adrp    x0, 0
                        1a8: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
  1ac:  91000042        add     x2, x2, #0x0
-                       1ac: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
+                       1ac: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
  1b0:  91000000        add     x0, x0, #0x0
                        1b0: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
  1b4:  528051a1        mov     w1, #0x28d                      // #653
@@ -5458,13 +5458,13 @@
  214:  f9000020        str     x0, [x1]
  218:  17ffffa0        b       98
  21c:  90000002        adrp    x2, 0
-                       21c: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
+                       21c: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
  220:  90000000        adrp    x0, 0
-                       220: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
+                       220: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
  224:  91000042        add     x2, x2, #0x0
-                       224: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
+                       224: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
  228:  91000000        add     x0, x0, #0x0
-                       228: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
+                       228: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
  22c:  528012e1        mov     w1, #0x97                       // #151
  230:  94000000        bl      0 <_Z11fancy_abortPKciS0_>
                        230: R_AARCH64_CALL26   _Z11fancy_abortPKciS0_
@@ -5831,13 +5831,13 @@
  364:  f9000ee1        str     x1, [x23,#24]
  368:  17ffff71        b       12c
  36c:  90000002        adrp    x2, 0
-                       36c: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
+                       36c: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
  370:  90000000        adrp    x0, 0
-                       370: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
+                       370: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
  374:  91000042        add     x2, x2, #0x0
-                       374: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
+                       374: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
  378:  91000000        add     x0, x0, #0x0
-                       378: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
+                       378: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC 
  37c:  528012e1        mov     w1, #0x97                       // #151
  380:  94000000        bl      0 <_Z11fancy_abortPKciS0_>
                        380: R_AARCH64_CALL26   _Z11fancy_abortPKciS0_

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