--- Comment #7 from Marek Polacek <mpolacek at gcc dot> ---
I'm afraid I can't really answer that.  I can see that while
inline_small_functions -> inline_call -> inline_merge_summary ->
remap_edge_summaries -> edge_set_predicate determine that for
(gdb) p e->caller
$29 = <cgraph_node* 0x7ffff00c8e60 "_ZThn8_N1C13OnReadSegmentEPKciPi">
(gdb) p e->callee
$30 = <cgraph_node* 0x7ffff00b7a10 "*.LTHUNK0">

false_predicate_p (predicate) is true so we redirect caller to

If it helps:
$ c++filt <<< _ZThn8_N1C13OnReadSegmentEPKciPi
non-virtual thunk to C::OnReadSegment(char const*, int, int*)

Does that explain anything?  Should I post the patch?  (It regtested fine.)

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