--- Comment #7 from relliott at umn dot edu ---

I just want to make one think certain.  You quoted section of the 
J3/04-007 document to show that a NAMED local allocatable variable would be 
deallocated at the end of a routine.

However, it is unclear to me that this applies to a POINTER variable (as I have 
in my skeleton code).

In Section is says:

    Allocation of a pointer creates an object that implicitly has the TARGET
    attribute. Following successful execution of an ALLOCATE statement for a
    pointer, the pointer is associated with the target and may be used to
    reference or define the target

This seems to say that an UNNAMED allocatable target object is created when the 
allocate statement for a pointer variable is executed.  In which case, section is not applicable.

Can you help me to understand why this is not the case?

Many thanks,


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