--- Comment #23 from Paul Smith <psmith at gnu dot org> ---
The lookup_type() was just to show the problem more clearly: I don't do that in
my actual Python code.  This part (or something similar) is what I use:

  class tv(gdb.Function):
      def __init__(self):
          gdb.Function.__init__(self, "tv")
      def invoke(self, vector):
          gdb.write("depth: %d\n" % (vector['tree']['_depth']))

and when I run this I get:

  warning: RTTI symbol not found for class 'TreeVector<Pod, 2u>::Tree'

In other words, it's not that I'm trying to look up that type myself: that's
the type that GDB is trying to look up when it tries to evaluate the variable
of type "TreeVector<Pod, 2>::Tree" in my program.

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