--- Comment #2 from H.J. Lu < at gmail dot com> ---
(In reply to Richard Biener from comment #1)
> Somehow switch-conversion doesn't transform the switch with -f{PIE,PIC}. 
> Without
> we get
> phy_modes (phy_interface_t interface)
> {
>   const char * _1;
>   const char * _4;
>   <bb 2> [local count: 1073741825]:
>   if (interface_2(D) <= 22)
>     goto <bb 3>; [50.00%]
>   else
>     goto <bb 4>; [50.00%]
>   <bb 3> [local count: 536870912]:
>   _4 = CSWTCH.0[interface_2(D)];
>   <bb 4> [local count: 1073741825]:
>   # _1 = PHI <_4(3), "unknown"(2)>
>   return _1;
> due to
> Bailing out - value from a case would need runtime relocations
>                   reloc = initializer_constant_valid_p (val, TREE_TYPE
> (val));
>                   if ((flag_pic && reloc != null_pointer_node)
>                       || (!flag_pic && reloc == NULL_TREE))
>                     {
>                       if (reloc)
>                         reason
>                           = "value from a case would need runtime
> relocations";
>                       else
>                         reason
>                           = "value from a case is not a valid initializer";
>                     }
> not sure why we need relocations for string constants?

They do need run-time relocations:

-B/export/build/gnu/gcc-test/build-x86_64-linux/gcc/ -O2  -fpic -S -o f.s f.i
[hjl@gnu-skl-1 pr82303]$ cat f.s
        .file   "f.i"
        .section        .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1
        .string "unknown"
        .p2align 4,,15
        .globl  phy_modes
        .type   phy_modes, @function
        leaq    .LC0(%rip), %rax
        cmpl    $22, %edi
        ja      .L1
        movl    %edi, %edi
        leaq    CSWTCH.0(%rip), %rax
        movq    (%rax,%rdi,8), %rax
        .size   phy_modes, .-phy_modes
        .section        .rodata.str1.1
        .string ""
        .string "internal"
        .string "mii"
        .string "gmii"
        .string "sgmii"
        .string "tbi"
        .string "rev-mii"
        .string "rmii"
        .string "rgmii"
        .string "rgmii-id"
        .string "rgmii-rxid"
        .string "rgmii-txid"
        .string "rtbi"
        .string "smii"
        .string "xgmii"
        .string "moca"
        .string "qsgmii"
        .string "trgmii"
        .string "1000base-x"
        .string "2500base-x"
        .string "rxaui"
        .string "xaui"
        .string "10gbase-kr"
        .align 32
        .type   CSWTCH.0, @object
        .size   CSWTCH.0, 184
        .quad   .LC1
        .quad   .LC2
        .quad   .LC3
        .quad   .LC4
        .quad   .LC5
        .quad   .LC6
        .quad   .LC7
        .quad   .LC8
        .quad   .LC9
        .quad   .LC10
        .quad   .LC11
        .quad   .LC12
        .quad   .LC13
        .quad   .LC14
        .quad   .LC15
        .quad   .LC16
        .quad   .LC17
        .quad   .LC18
        .quad   .LC19
        .quad   .LC20
        .quad   .LC21
        .quad   .LC22
        .quad   .LC23
        .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 8.0.1 20180117 (experimental)"
        .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
[hjl@gnu-skl-1 pr82303]$ gcc -c f.s
[hjl@gnu-skl-1 pr82303]$ readelf -rW f.o

Relocation section '.rela.text' at offset 0x370 contains 2 entries:
    Offset             Info             Type               Symbol's Value 
Symbol's Name + Addend
0000000000000003  0000000a00000002 R_X86_64_PC32          0000000000000000 .LC0
- 4
0000000000000011  0000000700000002 R_X86_64_PC32          0000000000000000 - 4

Relocation section '' at offset 0x3a0 contains 23
    Offset             Info             Type               Symbol's Value 
Symbol's Name + Addend
0000000000000000  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 8
0000000000000008  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 9
0000000000000010  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 12
0000000000000018  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 16
0000000000000020  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 1b
0000000000000028  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 21
0000000000000030  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 25
0000000000000038  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 2d
0000000000000040  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 32
0000000000000048  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 38
0000000000000050  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 41
0000000000000058  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 4c
0000000000000060  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 57
0000000000000068  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 5c
0000000000000070  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 61
0000000000000078  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 67
0000000000000080  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 6c
0000000000000088  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 73
0000000000000090  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 7a
0000000000000098  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 85
00000000000000a0  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 90
00000000000000a8  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 96
00000000000000b0  0000000500000001 R_X86_64_64            0000000000000000
.rodata.str1.1 + 9b

Relocation section '.rela.eh_frame' at offset 0x5c8 contains 1 entry:
    Offset             Info             Type               Symbol's Value 
Symbol's Name + Addend
0000000000000020  0000000200000002 R_X86_64_PC32          0000000000000000
.text + 0
[hjl@gnu-skl-1 pr82303]$ 

The question is why run-time relocations aren't allowed.

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