--- Comment #13 from mecej4 <mecej4 at outlook dot com> ---
Thanks for locating the relevant clauses. With your extracts serving as a
roadmap, I can find essentially the same wording in F2003, but with different
numbers for rules and constraints, in section 12.4.

R1217 function-reference is procedure-designator ( [ actual-arg-spec-list ] )

C1220 (R1217) The procedure-designator shall designate a function.

R1220 actual-arg-spec is [ keyword = ] actual-arg

C1225 (R1220) The keyword = shall not appear if the interface of the procedure
is implicit in the 9 scoping unit.

It struck me as odd that, since statement functions were marked "obsolescent"
even in F95, references to them would be given features that were not available
in F77, such as keyword arguments.

Will keyword arguments in statement function references be retained as a GNU

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