--- Comment #52 from EML <elowe at elowe dot com> ---
Note, regardless of reverting the gprel patch, GCC 8 puts the data in .rodata.

However, doesn't gcc 4.9.x do the same thing, it just moves it to GOT with

        .file   "foo.c"
        .pred.safe_across_calls p1-p5,p16-p63
        .section        .text,  "ax",   "progbits"
        .section        .rodata,        "a",    "progbits"
        .align 8
        stringz "Hellos World"
        .section        .text,  "ax",   "progbits"

Isn't LC0 here also in .rodata?

objdump -h -s fooContents of section .rodata:
 40007f8 48656c6c 6f732057 6f726c64 00        Hellos World.   

So gcc 4.9.x also puts the string into rodata?

(Not sure I'm reading all the files correctly, so perhaps I'm just reading it
all wrong)

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