--- Comment #8 from f.hollerer at gmx dot net ---
I have to correct me. The __FILE_NAME__ macro goes in the direction I would
like to have. But this does not solve the problem with assert().

My preferred solution is to have the expansion of the __FILE__ macro controlled
by a command line options.

As explained in my original post I use third party code which is augmented with
asserts(). I don't want to touch this code.

To my understanding assert() uses __FILE__ and __LINE__. I would like to have a
command line option which let __FILE__ expand to the last path component (the
filename) instead of an invocation dependent full path of that file.

This would:

- shorten the output of assert()
- minimize the image size due to shorter strings
- make the build reproduceable as the output does not depend on the current
working directory.

To sum up. This is what the feature request is about:

Please provide a '--no_path_in_file_macros' as provided by the IAC compiler.

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