--- Comment #12 from Jeffrey A. Law <law at redhat dot com> ---
The block in question goes away because it serves no purpose:

  <bb 5> [local count: 242478389]:
  _13 = *self_11(D);
  _16 = *other_12(D);
  sign_17 = _13 - _16;
  if (sign_17 == 0)
    goto <bb 13>; [34.00%]
    goto <bb 6>; [66.00%]

  <bb 6> [local count: 160035736]:
  goto <bb 13>; [100.00%]

Note that bb6 just transfers control to bb13 with no other side effects.  As a
result bb5 is equivalent to:

  <bb 5> [local count: 242478389]:
  _13 = *self_11(D);
  _16 = *other_12(D);
  sign_17 = _13 - _16;
  if (sign_17 == 0)
    goto <bb 13>; [34.00%]
    goto <bb 13>; [66.00%]

With both arms of the conditional going to the same place and no other uses of
sign_17 the whole block just turns into

  goto <bb13>;

I see nothing wrong with what was done by DCE.  The problem must be earlier in
the optimizer pipeline.

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