--- Comment #14 from Gabor <gtoth at umich dot edu> ---
Hi All,

I am sorry if I hurt anyone’s feelings. My goal was to get things improved for
the future. If my dry humor offended you, my apologies. Even if you fixed the
bug today, I would still have to find a work-around. My nightly tests fail, the
users of our software will not upgrade to the latest gfortran, the super
computers keep running old versions, and they are not willing to update. So,
why I may look selfish in your eyes, the main goal of reporting that the bug
still exists in gfortran 10 was to get things better eventually. I have no time
to learn how gcc works and find this bug in it and fix it. One would assume
that the person who wrote this part of the compiler could fix it easily given
the tiny amount of code that can reproduce the problem. For anyone else it is

In the end, I have split my module into two parts and that somehow solved the
problem. The smallest code producing the issue had 4 functions. I am attaching
it in case anyone actually wants it.

I have assumed, apparently incorrectly, that gcc and its part gfortran are
maintained by the GNU project and that the GNU project has some business model.
gcc seems to thrive. I guess gfortran is not important enough. You should take
pride in having a compiler as good as intel, nag and much better than pgi. 



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