--- Comment #8 from Steve Kargl <sgk at troutmask dot> ---
On Thu, Jan 07, 2021 at 06:49:07PM +0000, mehdi.chinoune at hotmail dot com
> I am not asking for advice here, I reported a bug with its reproducer.

What bug?

> It is not your concern what kind of integer I choose to use since it is not
> invalid.

Sure, you can use any integer kind.  What you get back is 
processor-dependent.  The gfortran documentation tells you
what that dependence is.

> The standard doesn't say anything about mixing precisions.

I agree.  It says the values returned for COUNT and
COUNT_RATE are processor-dependent.

If COUNT is integer(4), the counting is done in units of milliseconds.
If COUNT is integer(kind>4), the counting is done in units of nanoseconds.

If COUNT_RATE is integer(4) or real(4), it will be set to 1000, because
that's how many milliseconds are in 1 second.
If COUNT_RATE is integer(kind>4) or real(kind>4), it will be set to
1000000000, because that's how many nanoseconds are in 1 second.

These are processor-dependent values chosen by gfortran.

> I didn't say that gfortran should report 1000 or 10000 or 14659827, I know It
> is a processor-dependent.
> The problem is that gfortran doesn't give the correct values for
> count/count_rate when it is int64/int32 or int64/real32 which doesn't have any
> basis in the standard.

You did not define what you mean by "correct value".  If you
meant int64/int32 is supposed to be elapsed time in units of
seconds, I cannot find where the Standard states that.  For
a processor that has more than one count_rate, in the following, 

  integer i,j
  call system_clock(count=i)
  call some_long_time_sub
  call system_clock(count=j)
  print *, j - i

how is the processor suppose to determine which count_rate
units should be used to do the counting?

It is the programmer's responsibility to read the
documentation provided with the processor to determine
the processor-dependent behavior, and then write code
based on that documentation.

It seems you have an issue with J3.  Perhaps, you need
to send an interpretation request to the Fortran Standard

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