--- Comment #11 from Mark J Olah <molah at ucar dot edu> ---
(In reply to Steve Kargl from comment #10)

> gfortran is mostly maintained by volunteers.  I started fixing
> bugs 2 decades ago, because gfortran was the only Fortran compiler
> available for FreeBSD.  I no longer contribute patches back to
> gcc due to a few reasons.  gfortran could use a new volunteer
> to step up.

Steve, thanks for your years of effort.  I understand that all fixes are
community contributed.  If I knew how to fix this myself, I would.

I would be satisfied with acknowledgment that there is an issue, and it effects
the usability of the compiler for actual real-world use cases.

It also is a clear regression between versions, arising from a deliberate and
arguably inefficiently implemented change in the way the compiler is generating
the code.

A simple revision to previous behavior, or a flag to disable the new behavior
would be sufficient to enable the new compiler to continue to work with
existing codebases.

Also, on further timing analysis the behavior appears to be approximately
quadratic in N (not exponential), but with a big enough constant that it
becomes problematic at reasonable sizes of N.

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