--- Comment #4 from ygal klein <ygalklein at gmail dot com> ---
(In reply to Jürgen Reuter from comment #3)
> I think that indeed this is not something the compiler needs to do as
> expected, as it is an aliasing problem. 
> In the advance TBP you are calling again the init routine. The init
> routines sets the value of this%var1 to the argument with which it is
> called. In this%advance you are calling the init routine with the
> argument this%var1. However, in the init routine, the struct1 type
> is intent(out), so it is not guaranteed that the value of struct1%var1
> is accessible when calling the init routine from an earlier initialization
> of that type. That is the aliasing problem: advance calls
> the init routine, the init routine creates a new instance of struct1
> and you are not guaranteed that you can access the struct1%var1 component.
> There are several ways out:
> (1) define this in the init routine as intent(inout), very unusual for
>     an initializer, but then gfortran does what you expect
> (2) define a global instance of struct1 in the module, e.g.
>     type(original_struct), save, public :: struct_global
>     and in advance then call the (before initialized)
>       this%init(struct_global%var1)

Thank you for the reply.

After posting the bug report - I saw that implementing (inout) as your number 1
suggestion - dodges the problem - though as you mentioned having inout for this
in an init routine is somewhat unnatural.

The 2nd suggestion is something that I was trying to avoid in the first place -
i.e copying a whole type (this minimal example is a small type - but originally
it is a type with a lot of instances and procedures)

In fact - I could have had advance as a function that returns a type - but then
I would be paying the price of copyin assignment of a big type.

Anyway - you conclude that gfortran is behaving as it should and that the fact
that ifort works - is somewhat a coincidence?

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