--- Comment #4 from Barry Revzin <barry.revzin at gmail dot com> ---
Here's another example of the same kind of issue

template <class T, class U>
struct tagged_union {
    tagged_union(T t) : index(0), a(t) { }
    tagged_union(U u) : index(1), b(u) { }

    union {
        T a;
        U b;
    char index;

struct X { int i; };
struct Y { int j; };

tagged_union<X, Y> as_tagged_union(X x) {
    return x;

template <typename T, typename U>
struct tagged_union_wrapped : tagged_union<T, U> {
    using tagged_union<T, U>::tagged_union;

auto as_tagged_union2(X x) {
    return tagged_union_wrapped<X, Y>(x);

this on -O3 emits:

        mov     eax, edi
        mov     DWORD PTR [rsp-8], edi
        mov     BYTE PTR [rsp-4], 0
        mov     rax, QWORD PTR [rsp-8]

If you change the index member from 'char' to 'int', causing the tail padding
to disappear, as_tagged_union2 improves to the same code gen as

This is relevant for std::variant performance. std::variant<X, Y> behaves like
tagged_union_wrapped<X, Y>, whereas if you drop down to the implementation
details and directly use _Variant_storage_alias<X, Y>, that behaves like
tagged_union<X, Y> for these purposes.

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