--- Comment #6 from Christoph Müllner <christophm30 at gmail dot com> ---
The proposed fix is triggering an invalid transformation.

The pattern we need to transform is:
  Convert "if (test) x = 0;" to "x &= -(test == 0);"

If there is an else branch, we can't apply the transformation.

Error case:
long func2 (long a, long b, long c)  // should not be optimized
    if (c)
        a = 0;
        a = 5;
    return a;

With the patch this gets compiled to:
0000000000000006 <func2>:
   6:   00163513                seqz    a0,a2
   a:   40a00533                neg     a0,a0
   e:   8915                    andi    a0,a0,5
  10:   8082                    ret

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