--- Comment #12 from Steve Kargl <sgk at troutmask dot> ---
On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 11:49:44AM +0000, ben.brewer at codethink dot
> --- Comment #11 from Ben Brewer <ben.brewer at codethink dot> ---
> So I was using "-x f77" which I would expect to instruct the compiler to run 
> in
> a mode compatible with Fortran 77, it seems non-intuitive to have to enable
> -std=legacy to compile the very tests which define f77.

gfortran started life as a Fortran 95 compiler with a bunch of
extensions.  The -x f77 option might be a relic from g77 and 
only effects whether one has fixed source form code or free
source form code.  "f77" appears twice in under the
description of the -x option.  The meaning of "-x f77" isn't
actually documented.  

To set the Fortran standard conformance, use the -std option (e.g.,
-std=legacy, -std=f95, -std=f2003, -std=f2008, -std=f2018).  There
isn't an -std=f77,  If one is compiling old code, it is recommended
to use -std=legacy to turn off a bunch of warning/errors.

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