--- Comment #4 from Costas Argyris <costas.argyris at gmail dot com> ---
Using the manifest approach described in:

it is possible to convert a full existing gcc + mingw-w64 toolchain (all
executables) to use UTF-8 as their active code page.

The proper solution would be to integrate the UTF-8 manifest into gcc's own
build process.    Until that happens, and to enable existing installations to
work with Unicode paths, this is the procedure to convert an existing gcc
(mingw-w64) installation on Windows to use the UTF-8 code page.


1) See above link to check if your version of Windows supports this.
2) You must have the manifest tool mt.exe installed and know its location.
3) Go to a temp dir and create a 'utf8_acp_setting.manifest' file with this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">

Assume that the current installation is at C:\mingw64.    We are going to
create a copy of it in C:\mingw64-UTF8 and apply the UTF-8 manifest in every
executable using mt.exe.

Add the folder of mt.exe to the path, for example

set PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x64;%PATH%

('where mt' should find it)

Copy the entire C:\mingw64 directory to C:\mingw64-UTF8 from the UI or using

robocopy C:\mingw64 C:\mingw64-UTF8 /e

Cd into the folder where utf8_acp_setting.manifest is and run:

for /F %f in ('dir /B /S C:\mingw64-UTF8\*.exe') do mt "-outputresource:%f;1"
-manifest "utf8_acp_setting.manifest"

After this, the toolchain under C:\mingw64-UTF8 should be able to compile the
file that was previously failing.

Make sure that you add C:\mingw64-UTF8\bin to the path instead of

set PATH=C:\mingw64-UTF8\bin;%PATH%

and check with 'where gcc' - it should return the one under C:\mingw64-UTF8\bin

Now compile the file in the Unicode path that was previously failing:

C:\Users\cargyris\temp>gcc ﹏\src.c

C:\Users\cargyris\temp>echo %errorlevel%

no errors this time.

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