--- Comment #2 from John Marino <gnugcc at marino dot st> ---
I found the problematic line.

I changed this line:
data_in := read_compressed_data (input_stream, planned, bytes_read);

bytes_read := read_compressed_data (input_stream  => input_stream,
                                    bytes_planned => planned,
                                    data_in       => data_in);

and the read_compressed_data function was changed from:
   function read_compressed_data
     (input_stream  : not null SIO.Stream_Access;
      bytes_planned : Natural;
      bytes_read    : out Natural) return data_in_type;

   function read_compressed_data
     (input_stream  : not null SIO.Stream_Access;
      bytes_planned : Natural;
      data_in       : out data_in_type) return Natural;

The rearrangement of the function avoided the GNAT bug.

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