--- Comment #4 from Pavel M <pavel.morozkin at gmail dot com> ---

Thanks! I confused __fp16 with _Float16.

However, if __fp16 is only a “storage type”, then why this code:
__fp16 mul(__fp16 x, __fp16 y)
    return x * y;

compiled with -O3 -mfpu=fp-armv8 -march=armv8.2-a+fp16

leads to this code:
        vmul.f16        s0, s0, s1
        bx      lr

Here we see vmul.f16 instead of half->float->vmul.f32->float->half.

As a user, I expect half->float->vmul.f32->float->half (because __fp16 is only
a “storage type”).

Where is the conversions and mul.f32?

P.S. If optimizer does this, then as I remember, half->float->op->float->half
does not always produce the same result as half->op->half. The difference in
result may be +/-1 (last) bit. Any comments?

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