--- Comment #16 from Jürgen Reuter <juergen.reuter at desy dot de> ---
It seems that it is this function where the NaNs appear:
  function mult_mod (a, b, c, m) result (v)
    real(default), intent(in) :: a
    real(default), intent(in) :: b
    real(default), intent(in) :: c
    real(default), intent(in) :: m
    real(default) :: v
    integer :: a1
    real(default) :: a2
    v = a * b + c
    if (v >= two53 .or. v <= -two53) then
       a1 = int (a / two17)
       a2 = a - a1 * two17
       v = mod (a1 * b, m)
       v = v * two17 + a2 * b + c
    end if
    v = mod (v, m)
    if (v < 0.0_default) v = v + m
  end function mult_mod

particularly mod (v, m) gets evaluated to NaN, even if a replace it with
v = mod (v0, m) to avoid potential aliasing problems. It appears only in a very
complex setup, not in a 100 line program.

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