--- Comment #4 from Andrew Pinski <pinskia at gcc dot> ---
MIPS64 does:
        daddiu  $sp,$sp,-2080
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 2080
        daddu   $2,$7,$6
        sd      $16,2056($sp)
        sd      $17,2064($sp)
        sb      $0,0($2)
        li      $2,1                        # 0x1
        .cfi_offset 16, -24
        .cfi_offset 17, -16


Oh I see, the issue riscv has more limited range for the add so it needs to
split it up.

Anyways I think the the unwind tables are valid either way really because
register 8 (s0) is not modifed until later on.

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