--- Comment #32 from Jan Hubicka <hubicka at ucw dot cz> ---
> /tmp/build/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algobase.h:437:
> warning: 'void* __builtin_memcpy(void*, const void*, long unsigned int)'
> writing between 2 and 9223372036854775806 bytes into a region of size 0
> overflows the destination [-Wstringop-overflow=]

It warns on:

  template<bool _IsMove>
    struct __copy_move<_IsMove, true, random_access_iterator_tag>
      template<typename _Tp, typename _Up>
        static _Up*
        __copy_m(_Tp* __first, _Tp* __last, _Up* __result)
          const ptrdiff_t _Num = __last - __first;
          if (__builtin_expect(_Num > 1, true))
            __builtin_memmove(__result, __first, sizeof(_Tp) * _Num);
          else if (_Num == 1)
            std::__copy_move<_IsMove, false, random_access_iterator_tag>::
              __assign_one(__result, __first);
          return __result + _Num;

It is likely false positive on a code path that never happens in real
code, but we now optimize it better.

Does it show an inline path?

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