------- Additional Comments From schlie at comcast dot net  2004-11-11 03:55 
Subject: Re:  3.4.3 ~6x+ performance regression vs
 3.3.1, constant trees not being computed.

> pinskia at gcc dot gnu dot org <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I did 1 << 24 I got a warning (at least on the mainline on a cross to
> avr) about 24 being greater
> than the size of int so it was going to be 0.  Again in real terms there is
> something on here but I really
> doubt it is a regression and you did not use -mint8 for the 3.3 build and not
> for the 3.4 build.

Yes, you're correct, (1 << 24) generates warnings: (not forcing -mmint8)

main.c: In function `foo1':
main.c:3: warning: left shift count >= width of type
main.c: In function `foo2':
main.c:12: warning: left shift count >= width of type
main.c: At top level:
main.c:21: warning: return type of 'main' is not `int'

and produces the anticipated correct code, sorry for the confusion.


However as reported with (1L << 24), it does not, nor should it yield
different results, but it appears to product the expected code only if
the same constant expression occurs in a simpler expression in the same
basic block: ?

File: main.lss:

main.elf:     file format elf32-avr

Idx Name          Size      VMA       LMA       File off  Algn
  0 .data         00000000  00800100  0000011e  000001b2  2**0
                  CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, DATA
  1 .text         0000011e  00000000  00000000  00000094  2**0
  2 .bss          00000000  00800100  0000011e  000001b2  2**0
  3 .noinit       00000000  00800100  00800100  000001b2  2**0
  4 .eeprom       00000000  00810000  00810000  000001b2  2**0
  5 .stab         000004c8  00000000  00000000  000001b4  2**2
  6 .stabstr      0000044e  00000000  00000000  0000067c  2**0
Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <__vectors>:
   0:    0c 94 46 00     jmp    0x8c
   4:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
   8:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
   c:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  10:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  14:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  18:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  1c:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  20:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  24:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  28:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  2c:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  30:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  34:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  38:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  3c:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  40:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  44:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  48:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  4c:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  50:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  54:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  58:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  5c:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  60:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  64:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  68:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  6c:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  70:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  74:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  78:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  7c:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  80:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  84:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2
  88:    0c 94 61 00     jmp    0xc2

0000008c <__ctors_end>:
  8c:    11 24           eor    r1, r1
  8e:    1f be           out    0x3f, r1    ; 63
  90:    cf ef           ldi    r28, 0xFF    ; 255
  92:    d0 e1           ldi    r29, 0x10    ; 16
  94:    de bf           out    0x3e, r29    ; 62
  96:    cd bf           out    0x3d, r28    ; 61

00000098 <__do_copy_data>:
  98:    11 e0           ldi    r17, 0x01    ; 1
  9a:    a0 e0           ldi    r26, 0x00    ; 0
  9c:    b1 e0           ldi    r27, 0x01    ; 1
  9e:    ee e1           ldi    r30, 0x1E    ; 30
  a0:    f1 e0           ldi    r31, 0x01    ; 1
  a2:    02 c0           rjmp    .+4          ; 0xa8

000000a4 <.do_copy_data_loop>:
  a4:    05 90           lpm    r0, Z+
  a6:    0d 92           st    X+, r0

000000a8 <.do_copy_data_start>:
  a8:    a0 30           cpi    r26, 0x00    ; 0
  aa:    b1 07           cpc    r27, r17
  ac:    d9 f7           brne    .-10         ; 0xa4

000000ae <__do_clear_bss>:
  ae:    11 e0           ldi    r17, 0x01    ; 1
  b0:    a0 e0           ldi    r26, 0x00    ; 0
  b2:    b1 e0           ldi    r27, 0x01    ; 1
  b4:    01 c0           rjmp    .+2          ; 0xb8

000000b6 <.do_clear_bss_loop>:
  b6:    1d 92           st    X+, r1

000000b8 <.do_clear_bss_start>:
  b8:    a0 30           cpi    r26, 0x00    ; 0
  ba:    b1 07           cpc    r27, r17
  bc:    e1 f7           brne    .-8          ; 0xb6
  be:    0c 94 7c 00     jmp    0xf8

000000c2 <__bad_interrupt>:
  c2:    0c 94 00 00     jmp    0x0

000000c6 <foo1>:
int foo1 ( int a ){

    if (a & (1L << 23))

  c6:    aa 27           eor    r26, r26
  c8:    97 fd           sbrc    r25, 7
  ca:    a0 95           com    r26
  cc:    ba 2f           mov    r27, r26
  ce:    27 e1           ldi    r18, 0x17    ; 23
  d0:    b6 95           lsr    r27
  d2:    a7 95           ror    r26
  d4:    97 95           ror    r25
  d6:    87 95           ror    r24
  d8:    2a 95           dec    r18
  da:    d1 f7           brne    .-12         ; 0xd0
  dc:    81 70           andi    r24, 0x01    ; 1
  de:    90 70           andi    r25, 0x00    ; 0
  e0:    89 2b           or    r24, r25
  e2:    19 f0           breq    .+6          ; 0xea
        return 1; 

  e4:    81 e0           ldi    r24, 0x01    ; 1
  e6:    90 e0           ldi    r25, 0x00    ; 0
  e8:    08 95           ret

        return 2 ;

  ea:    82 e0           ldi    r24, 0x02    ; 2
  ec:    90 e0           ldi    r25, 0x00    ; 0


  ee:    08 95           ret
  f0:    08 95           ret

000000f2 <foo2>:

int foo2 ( int a ){

    a = (a & (1L << 23));

    if (a & (1L << 23))

        return 1; 


        return 2 ;



  f2:    82 e0           ldi    r24, 0x02    ; 2
  f4:    90 e0           ldi    r25, 0x00    ; 0
  f6:    08 95           ret

000000f8 <main>:

void main( void ){

  f8:    cd ef           ldi    r28, 0xFD    ; 253
  fa:    d0 e1           ldi    r29, 0x10    ; 16
  fc:    de bf           out    0x3e, r29    ; 62
  fe:    cd bf           out    0x3d, r28    ; 61

    volatile int a;


    a = foo1 ( a );

 100:    89 81           ldd    r24, Y+1    ; 0x01
 102:    9a 81           ldd    r25, Y+2    ; 0x02
 104:    0e 94 63 00     call    0xc6
 108:    89 83           std    Y+1, r24    ; 0x01
 10a:    9a 83           std    Y+2, r25    ; 0x02
    a = foo2 ( a );

 10c:    89 81           ldd    r24, Y+1    ; 0x01
 10e:    9a 81           ldd    r25, Y+2    ; 0x02
 110:    0e 94 79 00     call    0xf2
 114:    89 83           std    Y+1, r24    ; 0x01
 116:    9a 83           std    Y+2, r25    ; 0x02
 118:    0c 94 8e 00     jmp    0x11c

0000011c <_exit>:
 11c:    ff cf           rjmp    .-2          ; 0x11c



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