>>>>> "Dodji" == Dodji Seketeli <do...@redhat.com> writes:

Tom> One thing to note is that there may be some code that assumes an
Tom> ordering of location values.  If you hand out ordinary and macro
Tom> locations separately (which I think is what is going on), then code
Tom> doing this may break.

Dodji> Now I think I am left with two options, I guess.  Either I find a way to
Dodji> make the two kind of locations (those mapped into macro maps and those
Dodji> mapped into ordinary maps) share the same integer space and be ordered,
Dodji> or, I spot the places in the code that assume an ordering of all
Dodji> location values and I change that.

Dodji> Is the location ordering a strong property we want to keep?

It doesn't matter to me.  I think it would probably be sufficient if
there were a "cheap-enough" comparison function.

Dodji> I haven't noticed that with my tests.  But after reading this, I have
Dodji> found one spot of the in diagnostic_report_diagnostic that does this.  I
Dodji> don't know yet if there are other places.

Too bad we can't just write operator< :-)

Dodji> But if you want, I can just move the the comments to the header file,
Dodji> no problem at all.

Yeah, please do.


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