On 7/2/15 4:49 AM, Alan Lawrence wrote:

Thanks, Abe.

You are welcome, sir!  :-)

As before, I'm still confused here. This still returns false, i.e. bails out of
if-conversion, if the statement could trap. Doesn't the scratchpad let us handle
that? Or do we just not care because it won't be vectorizable anyway???

This seems like an opportunity for more optimization in the future.  However, 
at this time we do not see what kind of code would benefit from this 
If you have some time to spare and wish to spend some of it on this issue, then 
please find/write a test case that would exercise this path, i.e. a snippet of 
that is not optimized due to the above concern, even though it _could_ be 
if-converted -- and, preferably, the resulting conversion _is_ 

Of course, even if a test case can be written to trigger this missed 
that in and of itself does not yet tell us how much opportunity we are missing 
in _real-world_ code.

Nit: as before [...]

Thanks for the reminder[s].

Nit: as before - thanks for fixing the example here

You are welcome.

Where can I find info on what the different flag values mean?
> (I had thought they were booleans [...]

Sorry; I don`t know if that is documented anywhere yet.

In this case, (-1) simply means "defaulted": on if the vectorizer is on, and 
off if it is off.
(0) means "user specified no if conversion" and (1) means "user specified [yes] if 



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