On 17 July 2015 at 09:32, James Greenhalgh <james.greenha...@arm.com> wrote:
> This seems an odd limitation, presumably this is a side effect of waiting
> until expand time to throw an error... It does suggest that we're tackling
> the problem in the wrong way by pushing this to so late in the compilation
> pipeline. The property here is on a type itself, which must take a constant
> value within a given range. That feels much more like the sort of thing
> we should be detecting and bailing out on closer to the front-end - perhaps
> with a more generic extension allowing you to annotate any type with an
> expected/required range (both as a helping hand for VRP and as a way to
> express programmer defined preconditions).
> But, given that adding such an extension is likely more effort than needed

Agreed on all counts :)

> I think this is OK for now!


Committed in r226059 with suggested fixes. The attribute typo fix was
applied separately


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