On 09/22/2015 08:29 AM, Nathan Sidwell wrote:

> 1) Don't have a fake gang reduction outside of worker & vector loops. 
> Deal with the receiver object directly.  I.e. 'ref_to_res' need not be a
> null pointer for vector and worker loops.

What happens when there is no receiver object. E.g. a reduction inside a
routine? Specifically, inside lower_oacc_reductions, your doing this:

            /* This is the outermost construct with this reduction,
               see if there's a mapping for it.  */
            if (maybe_lookup_field (orig, outer))
              ref_to_res = build_receiver_ref (orig, false, outer);

That's going to ICE inside a routine.

> 2) Create a local private instance for all cases of reference var
> reductions, not just those in vector & worker loops

Good. I was about to make a similar change to fix a gang reduction bug.


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