On Thu, Nov 05, 2015 at 08:58:25AM -0700, Martin Sebor wrote:
> I don't think that reiterating in a condensed form what the manual
> doesn't make clear in many more words will help. First, even users
> who do find the relevant text in the manual often misunderstand it.
> Others are misled by the "[enabled]" output into expecting the
> optimizations to take place at -O0.

The -Q --help* output is primarily aimed at GCC developers, just
like plain -Q is.  The main problem here seems to be that the
documentation pushes beginner GCC users to use this.

Perhaps we should have a higher-level, more easy to use way to query
what flags will do what, possibly integrated with the pass manager.

> Those who are in doubt and
> ask on gcc-help are then told by GCC experts that -O0 disables
> all optimizations without exception,

And it does, for the plain meaning of "optimization"; anything else
is arguably a bug.  But people have many different understandings
of what a "compiler optimization" is, all the way to "anything the
compiler does".


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