On 01/14/16 16:57, Joseph Myers wrote:
On Thu, 14 Jan 2016, Prathamesh Kulkarni wrote:

g++ rejects it during parsing. I tried similarly in C FE by adding a
check for decl with incomplete struct/union type in finish_decl(),
however that fails to compile the following case:
typedef struct foo foo_t;
foo_t x;
struct foo { int i; };
g++ rejects the above case as well but gcc accepts it.
Do C and C++ standards differ in this regard ?

I don't know about C++, but this sort of thing is valid C if the type is
complete at the end of the translation unit or is an incomplete array type
(but not in the case where the variable is static - such a case with
static, if supported, is an extension).

It's ill-formed C++.

7.1.1/8 allows you to use a declared but undefined struct with 'extern', but not without it.

'The name of a declared but undefined class can be used in an extern declaration. Such a declaration can only be used in ways that do not require a complete class type'

(Although it doesn't seem to explicitly say that such a name can be used without an 'extern', the implication is that it cannot).


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