On 04/22/2016 10:42 AM, paul_kon...@dell.com wrote:

On Apr 22, 2016, at 12:21 PM, Bernd Schmidt
<bernds_...@t-online.de> wrote:

(Apologies if you get this twice, the mailing list didn't like the
html attachment in the first attempt).

We frequently get malformatted patches, and it's been brought to my
attention that some people don't even make the effort to read the
GNU coding standards before trying to contribute code. TL;DR seems
to be the excuse, and while I find that attitude inappropriate, we
could probably improve the situation by spelling out the most basic
rules in an abridged document on our webpages. Below is a draft I
came up with. Thoughts?

Would you expect people to conform to the abridged version or the
full standard?  If the full standard, then publishing an abridged
version is not a good idea, it will just cause confusion.  Let the
full standard be the rule, make people read it, and if they didn't
bother that's their problem.

I agree; let's not have two documents that can conflict or get out of sync with each other, unless you can figure out how to extract the abridged document automatically from the full version.

I think it's fine to have something on the web pages explaining that all contributions must follow the GNU coding standards (with a link) since code that follows the same formatting conventions throughout is easier to read, and that (in particular) patches must match the style of the surrounding code.


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