On 13 January 2017 at 09:51, Tim Song <t.canens....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Wait, what throwing move? list::sort should be all splicing and no
>>> moving, unless I missed something.
>> It operates based on merge, which moves elements from one list to
>> another using a throwing
>> comparator. Undoing that operation is fairly tricky, because I don't
>> know where the merged
>> items landed. Splice is another move operation, but in case of splice,
>> I would know where
>> the items land, and it also doesn't throw, but merge does.
> But it must be in either the source or the destination, so any missing
> elements have to be in one of the 65 temporary lists. Is there a

In some positions in one of those temporary lists. I don't know what
positions those are.

> problem with just going through all of them and splicing the contents
> (if any) back to *this?

Well, in addition to the computational complexity of it, not knowing
which elements should be spliced
back where. If a comparator given to sort() throws, trying to "unsort"
with the same comparator
can also throw, so I don't know how to reverse the operations done by
that point.

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