On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 12:19 AM, Jeff Law <l...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 02/07/2017 01:39 AM, Richard Biener wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 10:57 PM, Jeff Law <l...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> On 02/06/2017 08:33 AM, Richard Biener wrote:
>>>> ah, indeed vr0type is VR_ANTI_RANGE and yes we have the case of a
>>>> range with an anti-range "inside".  This also covers [-1,1] v
>>>> ~[0,0] where you choose the much larger anti-range now.  So at
>>>> least we want to have some idea about the sizes of the ranges
>>>> (ideally we'd choose the smaller though for most further
>>>> propagations anti-ranges often degenerate to varying...)
>>> vr0 as an anti-singleton range like ~[0,0] is the only one likely
>>> of any interest right now and that's always going to have a range
>>> that is all but one value :-)
>>> vr1 is the tricky case.  We could do v1.max - vr1.min and if that
>>> overflows or is some "large" value (say > 65536 just to throw out a
>>> value), then we conclude creating the singleton anti-range like
>>> ~[0,0] is more useful.
>> Yes, but it's hard to tell.  As said, anti-ranges quickly degrade in
>> further propagation and I fear that without a better range
>> representation it's hard to do better in all cases here.  The fact is
>> we can't represent the result of the intersection and thus we have to
>> conservatively choose an approximation.  Sometimes we have the other
>> range on an SSA name and thus can use equivalences (when coming from
>> assert processing), but most of the time not and thus we can't use
>> equivalences (which use SSA name versions rather than an index into
>> a ranges array - one possible improvement to the range
>> representation). Iff ~[0,0] is useful information querying sth for
>> non-null should also look at equivalences btw.
> I spoke with Andrew a bit today, he's consistently seeing cases where the
> union of 3 ranges is necessary to resolve the kinds of queries we're
> interested in.  He's made a design decision not to use anti-ranges in his
> work, so y'all are in sync on that long term.

Ok.  I'd also not hard-code the number of union ranges but make the code
agnostic.  Still the actual implementation might take a #define / template param
for an upper bound.

> He and Aldy have some bits to change the underlying range representation
> that might make sense to hash through right after stage1 reopens.


> Jeff

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