On 02/13/2017 07:15 PM, Jeff Law wrote:

So it seems in your updated patch there is only one call where we ask
for LOOP_EXIT_COMPLEX, specifically the call from get_loop_location.

But I don't see how asking for LOOP_EXIT_COMPLEX from that location
would change whether or not we unroll any given loop (which is the core
of bz64081).

Am I missing something?

Ughh, only the spaghetti that is this code? ;-).

get_loop_location is only called once in the compiler, in decide_unrolling(). This call to get_loop_location() will set the loop description, particularly desc->simple_p where you point out.

Later on down in decide_unrolling(), we decide the number of iterations, and use desc->simple_p to ignore the loop if it is not simple.

      decide_unroll_constant_iterations (loop, flags);
      if (loop->lpt_decision.decision == LPT_NONE)
        decide_unroll_runtime_iterations (loop, flags);
      if (loop->lpt_decision.decision == LPT_NONE)
        decide_unroll_stupid (loop, flags);

Any one of these functions will bail if the loop description was not simple_p:

  /* Check for simple loops.  */
  desc = get_simple_loop_desc (loop);

  /* Check simpleness.  */
  if (!desc->simple_p || desc->assumptions)
      if (dump_file)
        fprintf (dump_file,
                 ";; Unable to prove that the number of iterations "
                 "can be counted in runtime\n");

(Yes, there's a lot of duplicated code in decide_unroll_*_iterations.)

Now a problem I see here is that decide_unroll_*_iterations all call get_simple_loop_desc() which is basically LOOP_EXIT_SIMPLE, but since the value is already cached we return the previous call that was LOOP_EXIT_COMPLEX. So the code works because we will already have a cached value.

I think to make it clearer we could:

1. Add an assert in get_loop_desc to make sure that if we're returning a cached loop description, that the LOOP_EXIT_TYPEs match. Just in case...

2. Change all the decide_unroll_*_iterations variants to specifically ask for a LOOP_EXIT_TYPE, not just the simple variant. And have this set to LOOP_EXIT_COMPLEX from decide_unrolling. Right now, this is all working because we have only one call to get_loop_location, but I assume that could change.

3. And finally, what the heck is get_loop_location doing in cfgloop, when it's only used once within loop-unroll.c? I say we move it to loop-unroll.c and mark it static.

Does this help?


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