> I can guess what is happening here.  It's a 40 bits unsigned long long
> field, (s.b-8) will be like:
> _1 = s.b
> _2 = _1 + 0xfffffffff8
> Also get_range_info returns value range [0, 0xFFFFFFFFFF] for _1.
> You'd need to check if _1(with range [0, 0xFFFFFFFFFF]) + 0xfffffffff8
> overflows against precision of the bit-field which is 40 bits
> precision.  The failure might because overflowness is checked against
> unsigned long long's precision which is 64 bits.

>> Also, is there a possibility to know if there was an "ok" overflow or
>> not from get_range_info ()'s output? Would I have to compare the result
>> with the involved variable's range?
> I think you have to check it manually against max/min value of that
> type precision.

Currently, extract_... () does that all that for me, is it really too
expensive to call? I guess, using get_range_info first and calling
extract when get_range_info returns a VR_RANGE is not really a favorable
thing to do either? :)


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