On 06/21/2017 03:06 PM, Martin Liška wrote:
> Hello.
> There's one additional predictor enhancement that is GOTO predict that
> used to working. Following patch adds expect statement for C and C++ family
> languages.
> There's one fallout which is vrp24.c test-case, where only 'Simplified 
> relational'
> appears just once. Adding Richi and Patrick who can probably help how to fix 
> the
> test-case.
> Patch can bootstrap on ppc64le-redhat-linux and survives regression tests.
> Ready to be installed?
> Martin

And I forgot to mention hitrate on SPEC2017:

HEURISTICS                               BRANCHES  (REL)  BR. HITRATE           
 HITRATE       COVERAGE COVERAGE  (REL)  predict.def  (REL)
goto                                          622   1.0%       64.31%   65.92% 
/  83.70%      725127790  725.13M   0.1%

Which says it's quite rare predictor, but with quite nice hitrate.


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