On 31/07/17 19:46 -0400, tbsaunde+...@tbsaunde.org wrote:
I've been saying I'd do this for a long time, but I'm finally getting to
importing the C++98 compatable unique_ptr class Pedro wrote for gdb a while
back.  I believe the gtl namespace also comes from Pedro, but GNU template
library seems as reasonable as any other name I can come up with.

If it's inspired by "STL" then can we call it something else?

std::unique_ptr is not part of the STL, because the STL is a library
of containers and algorithms from the 1990s. std::unique_ptr is
something much newer that doesn't originate in the STL.

STL != C++ Standard Library

If we want a namespace for GNU utilities, what's wrong with "gnu"?

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