On 08/10/2017 03:55 PM, Joseph Myers wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Aug 2017, Martin Sebor wrote:
>> The problem isn't that the declarations aren't merged at the call
>> site but rather that the middle-end gives const precedence over
>> pure so when both attributes are provided the former wins.
> But that precedence is correct.  Any function with the semantics of const 
> also has the semantics of pure. 
True.  Pure/const is one of the cases where we have a clear subset
relationship.  In the pure/const the worst that can happen is we don't
optimize as fully as we could (optimizing as pure then later see it as
const).  I can't think of any correctness issues that can arise in the
pure/const scenario.

> The problem is that the function doesn't 
> have the semantics of the attribute it's declared with. 
I think this is the key realization for Martin's testcase.  THe function
is declared const, but actually references global data.   ISTM detecting
that would be a useful warning in and of itself.

 And any
> diagnostic based purely on the presence of both attributes would be 
> essentially a style diagnostic - for the style principle "if you have 
> multiple declarations of a function, they should have the same 
> information" - rather than "these attributes are inconsistent".
Right.  This could be a warning unto itself when there's a
superset/subset relationship between the semantics of a particular pair
of attributes like we have with const/pure.

> (An optional warning for different information in different declarations 
> is reasonable enough.  Actually in glibc it would be useful to have a 
> warning for a different but related case - two functions both declared, 
> later one defined as an alias of another, but the declarations don't have 
> the same attributes.  I'm pretty sure there are cases where the internal 
> declaration of __foo is missing attributes present on the public 
> declaration of foo.  But such a warning for aliases is only appropriate 
> for attributes that are properties of the function, not attributes that 
> are properties of particular names for it - __foo may well be a hidden 
> symbol where foo isn't.)
Yea, I can see how that would be useful.


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