Hi Jerry and Steve,

Well I know 42 is the answer to the ultimate question of the universe so this
must be OK.  I just don't know what the question is.

OK and thanks,


+#define CONSTR_LEN_MAX 42
Actually, I was wondering about the choice myself.  With
most common hardware having fairly robust L1 and L2 cache
sizes, a double precision array constructor with 42
elements only occupies 336 bytes.  Seems small.

Well, the answer is that I didn't know how to chose a reasonable
constant.  I now actually ran some benchmarks using rdtsc, and
these seem to indicate that the optimum value for CONST_LEN_MAX
is actually quite short, 3 or 4, otherwise I just got a slowdown
or a break even.

So, I committed (r253872) with a length of 4 as a limit.  If anybody
comes up with a better number, we can always change this.

So, thanks for the review and the comments.



If somebody wants to check, here is the test case:


module tick
     function rdtsc()
       integer(kind=8) :: rdtsc
     end function rdtsc
  end interface
end module tick

program main
  use tick
  use tst
  implicit none
  integer(8) :: t1, t2
  t1 = rdtsc()
  call sub1(2.0)
  t2 = rdtsc()
  !  print *,"sub1 : ", t2-t1

  t1 = rdtsc()
  do i=1,10000
     call sub1(2.0)
  end do
  t2 = rdtsc()
  print *,"sub1 : ", t2-t1

  t1 = rdtsc()
  do i=1,10000
     call sub2(2.0)
  end do
  t2 = rdtsc()
  print *,"sub2 : ", t2-t1

end program main

module tst
  integer, parameter :: n=4
  real, dimension(n) :: x
  real, dimension(n), parameter :: s = [(i,i=1,n)]
  subroutine sub1(a)
    real, intent(in) :: a
    x(1) = a * 1.0
    x(2) = a * 2.0
    x(3) = a * 3.0
    x(4) = a * 3.0

  end subroutine sub1
  subroutine sub2(a)
    x(:) = a * s(:)
  end subroutine sub2
end module tst

        .file   "rdtsc.s"
        .globl  rdtsc_
        .type   rdtsc_, @function
        shl     $32, %rdx
        or      %rdx, %rax
        .size   rdtsc_, .-rdtsc_
        .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

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