On 11/15/2017 05:45 AM, Martin Liška wrote:
On 11/06/2017 07:29 PM, Martin Sebor wrote:
Sorry for being late with my comment.  I just spotted this minor
formatting issue.  Even though GCC isn't (yet) consistent about
it the keyword "constexpr" should be quoted in the error message
below (and, eventually, in all diagnostic messages).  Since the
patch has been committed by now this is just a reminder for us
to try to keep this in mind in the future.


I've prepared patch for that. If it's desired, I can fix test-suite follow-up.
Do we want to change it also for error messages like:
"call to non-constexpr function"
"constexpr call flows off the end of the function"

If GCC had support for italics for defined terms of the language
or the grammar /constexpr function/ would be italicized because
it's a defined term.  Absent that, I think I would quote them all
for consistency.


PS I checked the C++ standard to see how it used the term and
the choices it makes seem pretty arbitrary.  There are even
sentences with two instances of two word, one in fixed width
font and the other in proportional.  So I don't think we can
use the spec as an example to follow.

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