
On 16/11/2017 12:03, Petr Ovtchenkov wrote:
On Thu, 16 Nov 2017 10:39:02 +0100
Paolo Carlini <paolo.carl...@oracle.com> wrote:


On 16/11/2017 06:31, Petr Ovtchenkov wrote:
Is we really worry about frozen sizeof of instantiated template?
Yes we do. See https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/abi.html
under "Prohibited Changes", point 8.

Of course removing the buffering has performance implications too -
that's why it's there in the first place!
"buffering" here is a secondary buffering (after streambuf).
No relation to performance, but place for incoherence with
state of attached streambuf.
It depends, we may be dealing with an unbuffered stream. For sure at the time we measured a performance impact in some cases, likewise whoever implemented it in the first place (not me) otherwise, again, why bothering?


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