On 16/11/2017 12:46, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
On 16/11/17 10:57 +0000, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
On 16/11/17 08:51 +0300, Petr Ovtchenkov wrote:
On Mon, 6 Nov 2017 22:19:22 +0100
François Dumont <frs.dum...@gmail.com> wrote:


    Any final decision regarding this patch ?



It would be helpful if you two could collaborate and come up with a
good solution, or at least discuss the pros and cons, instead of just
sending competing patches.

Let me be more clear: I'm not going to review further patches in this
area while you two are proposing different alternatives, without
commenting on each other's approach.

If you think your solution is better than François's solution, you
should explain why, not just send a different patch. If François
thinks his solution is better than yours, he should state why, not
just send a different patch.

I don't have time to infer all that from just your patches, so I'm not
going to bother.

Proposing to revert my patch doesn't sound to me like a friendly action to start a collaboration.

My only concern has always been the Debug mode impact which is now fixed.

I already said that I disagree with Petr's main goal to keep eof iterator linked to the underlying stream. So current implementation is just fine to me and I'll let Petr argument for any change. @Jonathan, You can ignore my last request to remove mutable keywork on _M_sbuf.


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