On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 12:34 PM, Janne Blomqvist
<blomqvist.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is accomplished by making the NEXTREC specifier be a 8 byte
> integer where supported.
> I wasn't able to come up with a testcase that does not create a large
> file that could be added to the testsuite, but here's one which
> creates a 2 GB file:
> program nextrec
>   implicit none
>   integer(8) :: ii, n
>   open(10, file="foo.dat", recl=1, access="direct", form="unformatted", 
> status="replace")
>   do ii = 1, huge(1) + 2_8
>      write(10, rec=ii) 'a'
>   end do
>   inquire(10, nextrec=n)
>   if (n /= huge(1) + 2_8) then

This statement should of course be

if (n /= huge(1) + 3_8) then

Janne Blomqvist

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