Segher Boessenkool wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 08, 2018 at 0:25:47PM +0000, Wilco Dijkstra wrote:
>> > Always pairing two registers together *also* degrades code quality.
>> No, while it's not optimal, it means smaller code and fewer memory accesses.
> It means you execute *more* memory accesses.  Always.  This may be
> sometimes hidden, sure.  I'm not saying you do not want more ldp's;
> I'm saying this particular strategy is very far from ideal.

No it means less since the number of memory accesses reduces (memory
bandwidth may increase but that's not an issue). You can argue that different
pairings might work better as you may be able to push some LDP/STPs into
less frequently executed blocks, but finding optimal pairings is a hard problem
since the offsets need to be consecutive.

>> That may well be the problem. So if there are N predecessors, of which N-1
>> need to restore the same set of callee saves, but one was shrinkwrapped,
>> N-1 copies of the same restores might be emitted. N could be the number
>> of blocks in a function - I really hope it doesn't work out like that...
> In the worst case it would.  OTOH, joining every combo into blocks costs
> O(2**C) (where C is the # components) bb's worst case.
> It isn't a simple problem.  The current tuning works pretty well for us,
> but no doubt it can be improved!

Well if there are C components, we could limit the total number of 
inserted to say 4C. Similarly common cases could easily share the restores
without increasing the number of branches.


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