On 01/09/18 18:50, Richard Earnshaw (lists) wrote:
> On 09/01/18 17:36, Bernd Edlinger wrote:
>> Richard Earnshaw wrote:
>>   > Let me give an example, we use the generic code expansion if we
>>   > encounter the builtin when generating code for Thumb on pre-ARMv7
>>   > devices.  We don't have instructions in 'thumb1' to guard against
>>   > speculation and we really want to warn users that they've done this (it
>>   > might be a mistake in how they're invoking the compiler).
>> Instead of this warning in one of the unsupported cases, could you use
>> the DSB SYS + ISB  barrier as the white paper suggests?
>> Bernd.
> Thumb1 doesn't have those instructions.

I don't know if it helps, but a few years ago I have written some
assembler macros that allow to temporarily switch from THUMB to ARM
mode and back on an ARMv5 target, that used to worked quite well:

# define HAL_ARM_MODE() ";"                              \
               " .align 2;"                               \
               " bx pc;"                                  \
               " nop;"                                    \
               " .code 32;"

# define HAL_THUMB_MODE(_scratch_) ";"                   \
               " orr " #_scratch_ ",pc,#1;"               \
               " bx " #_scratch_ ";"                      \
               " .code 16;"

#define HAL_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS(_old_)           \
     asm volatile (                              \
         HAL_ARM_MODE()                          \
         "mrs %0,cpsr;"                          \
         "orr r3,%0,%1;"                         \
         "msr cpsr,r3"                           \
         HAL_THUMB_MODE(r3)                      \
         : "=r"(_old_)                           \
         : "i"(CPSR_INTR_MASK)                   \
         : "r3"                                  \

#define HAL_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS()                 \
     asm volatile (                              \
         HAL_ARM_MODE()                          \
         "mrs r3,cpsr;"                          \
         "bic r3,r3,%0;"                         \
         "msr cpsr,r3"                           \
         HAL_THUMB_MODE(r3)                      \
         :                                       \
         : "i"(CPSR_INTR_MASK)                   \
         : "r3"                                  \

So the the switch back macro just needed a scratch register,
that's all.


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