On Thu, 24 May 2018, Segher Boessenkool wrote:

> Which semantics doesn't it have?  (Other than the lack of non-default
> rounding modes, or is that what you meant?)

It has problems with rounding modes, exceptions and various operations 
involving large or small arguments or results.  Some of these apply even 
in round-to-nearest and when the arguments are exactly representable as 
double (spurious overflow from (long double) DBL_MAX / 3.0L, for example), 
which makes it unambiguous that a widening from DFmode to IFmode is never 
appropriate.  (Of course, code doing such a widening would be bad for 
other reasons anyway, since it should only be widening from a non-hardware 
mode to a hardware one, and IFmode is never a hardware mode.)

Joseph S. Myers

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