Thanks for looking at this for me.  In simplifying the test case for a bug 
report, I've narrowed the "problem" to integer overflow considerations.  My len 
variable is declared int, and the target has 64-bit pointers.  I'm gathering 
that the "manual transformation" I quoted below is not considered "equivalent" 
to the original source code due to different integer overflow behaviors.  If I 
redeclare len to be unsigned long long, then I automatically get the 
optimizations that I was originally expecting.

I suppose this is really NOT a bug?

Is there a compiler optimization flag that allows the optimizer to ignore array 
index integer overflow in considering legal optimizations?

On 7/13/18 9:14 PM, Bin.Cheng wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 13, 2018 at 6:04 AM, Kelvin Nilsen <> wrote:
>> A somewhat old "issue report" pointed me to the code generated for a 4-fold 
>> manually unrolled version of the following loop:
>>>                       while (++len != len_limit) /* this is loop */
>>>                               if (pb[len] != cur[len])
>>>                                       break;
>> As unrolled, the loop appears as:
>>>                 while (++len != len_limit) /* this is loop */ {
>>>                   if (pb[len] != cur[len])
>>>                     break;
>>>                   if (++len == len_limit)  /* unrolled 2nd iteration */
>>>                     break;
>>>                   if (pb[len] != cur[len])
>>>                     break;
>>>                   if (++len == len_limit)  /* unrolled 3rd iteration */
>>>                     break;
>>>                   if (pb[len] != cur[len])
>>>                     break;
>>>                   if (++len == len_limit)  /* unrolled 4th iteration */
>>>                     break;
>>>                   if (pb[len] != cur[len])
>>>                     break;
>>>                 }
>> In examining the behavior of tree-ssa-loop-ivopts.c, I've discovered the 
>> only induction variable candidates that are being considered are all forms 
>> of the len variable.  We are not considering any induction variables to 
>> represent the address expressions &pb[len] and &cur[len].
>> I rewrote the source code for this loop to make the addressing expressions 
>> more explicit, as in the following:
>>>       cur++;
>>>       while (++pb != last_pb) /* this is loop */ {
>>>       if (*pb != *cur)
>>>         break;
>>>       ++cur;
>>>       if (++pb == last_pb)  /* unrolled 2nd iteration */
>>>         break;
>>>       if (*pb != *cur)
>>>         break;
>>>       ++cur;
>>>       if (++pb == last_pb)  /* unrolled 3rd iteration */
>>>         break;
>>>       if (*pb != *cur)
>>>         break;
>>>       ++cur;
>>>       if (++pb == last_pb)  /* unrolled 4th iteration */
>>>         break;
>>>       if (*pb != *cur)
>>>         break;
>>>       ++cur;
>>>       }
>> Now, gcc does a better job of identifying the "address expression induction 
>> variables".  This version of the loop runs about 10% faster than the 
>> original on my target architecture.
>> This would seem to be a textbook pattern for the induction variable 
>> analysis.  Does anyone have any thoughts on the best way to add these 
>> candidates to the set of induction variables that are considered by 
>> tree-ssa-loop-ivopts.c?
>> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> Hi,
> Could you please file a bug with your original slow test code
> attached?  I tried to construct meaningful test case from your code
> snippet but not successful.  There is difference in generated
> assembly, but it's not that fundamental.  So a bug with preprocessed
> test would be high appreciated.
> I think there are two potential issues in cost computation for such
> case: invariant expression and iv uses outside of loop handled as
> inside uses.
> Thanks,
> bin
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

bt_skip_func(const __uint64_t len_limit, const __uint8_t *cur,
             long long int delta, __uint64_t len) {

  const __uint8_t *pb = cur - delta;

  while (++len != len_limit) {
    if (pb[len] != cur[len])
    if (++len == len_limit)
    if (pb[len] != cur[len])
    if (++len == len_limit)
    if (pb[len] != cur[len])
    if (++len == len_limit)
    if (pb[len] != cur[len])

  return len;

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

  char *text_input = "ttttttttttttttttthis is some text that should be longer";
  unsigned long long int len_limit = strlen (text_input);
  int pos = 0;

  int cur_match = 0;
  int depth = 0;

  int result = bt_skip_func(len_limit, text_input + 3, (long long) 3, 
                            (unsigned long long) 1);
        .file   "ivsimple.long.c"
        .abiversion 2
        .section        ".text"
        .align 2
        .p2align 4,,15
        .globl bt_skip_func
        .type   bt_skip_func, @function
        subf 5,5,4       # 13   [c=4 l=4]  *subfdi3
        std 28,-32(1)    # 107  [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/0
        std 29,-24(1)    # 108  [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/0
        addi 8,6,1       # 14   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        std 30,-16(1)    # 109  [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/0
        std 31,-8(1)     # 110  [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/0
        .cfi_offset 28, -32
        .cfi_offset 29, -24
        .cfi_offset 30, -16
        .cfi_offset 31, -8
        addi 12,5,1      # 18   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        addi 30,5,2      # 29   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        addi 28,5,3      # 40   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        addi 11,4,1      # 19   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        addi 31,4,2      # 30   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        addi 29,4,3      # 41   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        b .L2            # 153  [c=4 l=4]  jump
        .p2align 4,,15
        lbzx 10,12,6     # 20   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        lbzx 7,11,6      # 21   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        cmpw 7,10,7      # 22   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_signed
        bne 7,.L5        # 23   [c=4 l=4]  *
        beq 5,.L3        # 27   [c=4 l=4]  *
        lbzx 10,30,6     # 31   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        lbzx 7,31,6      # 32   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        addi 8,8,4       # 51   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        cmpw 7,10,7      # 33   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_signed
        bne 7,.L3        # 34   [c=4 l=4]  *
        addi 9,6,3       # 36   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        cmpld 7,3,9      # 37   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpdi_unsigned
        beq 7,.L3        # 38   [c=4 l=4]  *
        lbzx 10,28,6     # 42   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        lbzx 7,29,6      # 43   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        addi 6,6,4       # 47   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        cmpld 5,3,6      # 48   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpdi_unsigned
        cmpw 7,10,7      # 44   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_signed
        bne 7,.L3        # 45   [c=4 l=4]  *
        beq 5,.L6        # 49   [c=4 l=4]  *
        lbzx 9,5,6       # 52   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        lbzx 10,4,6      # 53   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        cmpw 7,9,10      # 54   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_signed
        bne 7,.L7        # 55   [c=4 l=4]  *
        cmpld 7,3,8      # 59   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpdi_unsigned
        addi 9,6,2       # 25   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        cmpld 5,3,9      # 26   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpdi_unsigned
        bne 7,.L4        # 60   [c=4 l=4]  *
        mr 9,3           # 7    [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/2
        ld 28,-32(1)     # 113  [c=8 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/1
        ld 29,-24(1)     # 114  [c=8 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/1
        ld 30,-16(1)     # 115  [c=8 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/1
        ld 31,-8(1)      # 116  [c=8 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/1
        extsw 3,9        # 69   [c=4 l=4]  extendsidi2/1
        .cfi_restore 31
        .cfi_restore 30
        .cfi_restore 29
        .cfi_restore 28
        blr              # 118  [c=4 l=4]  simple_return
        .p2align 4,,15
        ld 28,-32(1)     # 131  [c=8 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/1
        ld 29,-24(1)     # 132  [c=8 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/1
        ld 30,-16(1)     # 133  [c=8 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/1
        ld 31,-8(1)      # 134  [c=8 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/1
        mr 9,8           # 8    [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/2
        extsw 3,9        # 128  [c=4 l=4]  extendsidi2/1
        .cfi_restore 31
        .cfi_restore 30
        .cfi_restore 29
        .cfi_restore 28
        blr              # 136  [c=4 l=4]  simple_return
        .p2align 4,,15
        ld 28,-32(1)     # 144  [c=8 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/1
        ld 29,-24(1)     # 145  [c=8 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/1
        ld 30,-16(1)     # 146  [c=8 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/1
        ld 31,-8(1)      # 147  [c=8 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/1
        mr 9,6           # 9    [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/2
        extsw 3,9        # 141  [c=4 l=4]  extendsidi2/1
        .cfi_restore 31
        .cfi_restore 30
        .cfi_restore 29
        .cfi_restore 28
        blr              # 149  [c=4 l=4]  simple_return
        .long 0
        .byte 0,0,0,0,0,4,0,0
        .size   bt_skip_func,.-bt_skip_func
        .section        .text.startup,"ax",@progbits
        .align 2
        .p2align 4,,15
        .globl main
        .type   main, @function
        li 3,0           # 11   [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/3
        blr              # 18   [c=4 l=4]  simple_return
        .long 0
        .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
        .size   main,.-main
        .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 9.0.0 20180716 (experimental)"
        .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
        .file   "ivsimple.transformed.c"
        .abiversion 2
        .section        ".text"
        .align 2
        .p2align 4,,15
        .globl bt_skip_func
        .type   bt_skip_func, @function
        subf 5,5,4       # 13   [c=4 l=4]  *subfdi3
        addi 9,6,1       # 18   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        add 3,5,3        # 14   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/0
        add 9,5,9        # 19   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/0
        cmpld 7,3,9      # 20   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpdi_unsigned
        addi 6,6,1       # 15   [c=4 l=4]  *addsi3/1
        rldicl 6,6,0,32  # 16   [c=4 l=4]  zero_extendsidi2/1
        add 4,4,6        # 17   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/0
        bne 7,.L3        # 21   [c=4 l=4]  *
        b .L6            # 124  [c=4 l=4]  jump
        .p2align 4,,15
        beq 5,.L2        # 31   [c=4 l=4]  *
        lbz 8,1(9)       # 33   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        lbz 7,1(4)       # 34   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        cmpw 7,8,7       # 35   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_signed
        bne 7,.L2        # 36   [c=4 l=4]  *
        addi 10,9,2      # 38   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        cmpld 7,3,10     # 39   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpdi_unsigned
        beq 7,.L2        # 40   [c=4 l=4]  *
        lbz 8,2(9)       # 42   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        lbz 7,2(4)       # 43   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        cmpw 7,8,7       # 44   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_signed
        bne 7,.L2        # 45   [c=4 l=4]  *
        addi 10,9,3      # 47   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        cmpld 7,10,3     # 48   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpdi_unsigned
        beq 7,.L6        # 49   [c=4 l=4]  *
        lbz 8,3(9)       # 51   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        lbz 7,3(4)       # 52   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        addi 9,9,4       # 57   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        addi 4,4,4       # 56   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        cmpld 5,3,9      # 59   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpdi_unsigned
        cmpw 7,8,7       # 53   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_signed
        bne 7,.L2        # 54   [c=4 l=4]  *
        beq 5,.L6        # 60   [c=4 l=4]  *
        lbz 8,0(9)       # 23   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        lbz 7,0(4)       # 24   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        addi 10,9,1      # 29   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        cmpld 5,3,10     # 30   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpdi_unsigned
        cmpw 7,8,7       # 25   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_signed
        beq 7,.L9        # 26   [c=4 l=4]  *
        mr 10,9          # 7    [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/2
        subf 3,5,10      # 63   [c=4 l=4]  *subfdi3
        extsw 3,3        # 70   [c=4 l=4]  extendsidi2/1
        blr              # 104  [c=4 l=4]  simple_return
        .p2align 4,,15
        mr 10,3          # 9    [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/2
        subf 3,5,10      # 115  [c=4 l=4]  *subfdi3
        extsw 3,3        # 116  [c=4 l=4]  extendsidi2/1
        blr              # 119  [c=4 l=4]  simple_return
        .long 0
        .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
        .size   bt_skip_func,.-bt_skip_func
        .section        ".toc","aw"
        .align 3
        .quad   .LC0+3
        .section        .text.startup,"ax",@progbits
        .align 2
        .p2align 4,,15
        .globl main
        .type   main, @function
0:      addis 2,12,.TOC.-.LCF1@ha
        addi 2,2,.TOC.-.LCF1@l
        .localentry     main,.-main
        mflr 0           # 23   [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/21
        addis 4,2,.LC1@toc@ha    # 35   [c=12 l=8]  fusion_gpr_load_di
        ld 4,.LC1@toc@l(4)
        li 6,1           # 8    [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/3
        li 5,3           # 9    [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/3
        li 3,55          # 11   [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/3
        std 0,16(1)      # 24   [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/0
        stdu 1,-32(1)    # 25   [c=4 l=4]  movdi_di_update/1
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
        .cfi_offset 65, 16
        bl bt_skip_func          # 12   [c=4 l=4]  *call_value_local_aixdi
        addi 1,1,32      # 28   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 0
        li 3,0           # 17   [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/3
        ld 0,16(1)       # 29   [c=8 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/1
        mtlr 0           # 30   [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/22
        .cfi_restore 65
        blr              # 31   [c=4 l=4]  simple_return
        .long 0
        .byte 0,0,0,1,128,0,0,0
        .size   main,.-main
        .section        .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1
        .align 3
        .string "ttttttttttttttttthis is some text that should be longer"
        .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 9.0.0 20180716 (experimental)"
        .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

bt_skip_func(const __uint32_t len_limit, const __uint8_t *cur,
             int delta, __uint32_t len) {

  const __uint8_t *pb = cur - delta;
  const __uint8_t *orig_pb = pb;
  const __uint8_t *last_pb = pb + len_limit;

  pb += len;
  cur += len + 1;

  while (++pb != last_pb) {
    if (*pb != *cur)
    cur++;                      /* 2nd iteration */
    if (++pb == last_pb)
    if (*pb != *cur)
    cur++;                      /* 3rd iteration */
    if (++pb == last_pb)
    if (*pb != *cur)
    cur++;                      /* 4th iteration */
    if (++pb == last_pb)
    if (*pb != *cur)
    cur++;                      /* 4th iteration */
  return pb - orig_pb;

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

  char *text_input = "ttttttttttttttttthis is some text that should be longer";
  int len_limit = strlen (text_input);
  int pos = 0;

  int cur_match = 0;
  int depth = 0;

  int result = bt_skip_func(len_limit, text_input + 3, 3, 1);
        .file   "ivsimple.c"
        .abiversion 2
        .section        ".text"
        .align 2
        .p2align 4,,15
        .globl bt_skip_func
        .type   bt_skip_func, @function
        addi 10,6,1      # 14   [c=4 l=4]  *addsi3/1
        subf 5,5,4       # 13   [c=4 l=4]  *subfdi3
        rldicl 10,10,0,32        # 15   [c=4 l=4]  zero_extendsidi2/1
        b .L2            # 128  [c=4 l=4]  jump
        .p2align 4,,15
        lbzx 8,5,10      # 20   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        lbzx 11,4,10     # 21   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        cmpw 7,8,11      # 22   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_signed
        bne 7,.L5        # 23   [c=4 l=4]  *
        beq 5,.L3        # 28   [c=4 l=4]  *
        lbzx 8,5,9       # 31   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        lbzx 11,4,9      # 32   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        rldicl 10,0,0,32         # 54   [c=4 l=4]  zero_extendsidi2/1
        cmpw 7,8,11      # 33   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_signed
        bne 7,.L3        # 34   [c=4 l=4]  *
        rldicl 9,7,0,32  # 37   [c=4 l=4]  zero_extendsidi2/1
        beq 6,.L3        # 39   [c=4 l=4]  *
        lbzx 8,5,9       # 42   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        lbzx 7,4,9       # 43   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        cmpw 7,8,7       # 44   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_signed
        bne 7,.L3        # 45   [c=4 l=4]  *
        beq 1,.L7        # 50   [c=4 l=4]  *
        lbzx 9,5,6       # 55   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        lbzx 8,4,6       # 56   [c=8 l=4]  zero_extendqisi2/0
        cmpw 7,9,8       # 57   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_signed
        bne 7,.L7        # 58   [c=4 l=4]  *
        cmplw 7,3,10     # 62   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_unsigned
        addi 9,6,2       # 25   [c=4 l=4]  *addsi3/1
        addi 7,6,3       # 36   [c=4 l=4]  *addsi3/1
        addi 6,6,4       # 47   [c=4 l=4]  *addsi3/1
        cmplw 5,3,9      # 27   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_unsigned
        cmplw 1,3,6      # 49   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_unsigned
        cmplw 6,3,7      # 38   [c=4 l=4]  *cmpsi_unsigned
        addi 0,10,4      # 53   [c=4 l=4]  *addsi3/1
        rldicl 9,9,0,32  # 26   [c=4 l=4]  zero_extendsidi2/1
        rldicl 6,6,0,32  # 48   [c=4 l=4]  zero_extendsidi2/1
        bne 7,.L4        # 63   [c=4 l=4]  *
        mr 9,3           # 10   [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/2
        extsw 3,9        # 71   [c=4 l=4]  extendsidi2/1
        blr              # 105  [c=4 l=4]  simple_return
        .p2align 4,,15
        mr 9,6           # 9    [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/2
        extsw 3,9        # 113  [c=4 l=4]  extendsidi2/1
        blr              # 116  [c=4 l=4]  simple_return
        .p2align 4,,15
        mr 9,10          # 8    [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/2
        extsw 3,9        # 121  [c=4 l=4]  extendsidi2/1
        blr              # 124  [c=4 l=4]  simple_return
        .long 0
        .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
        .size   bt_skip_func,.-bt_skip_func
        .section        ".toc","aw"
        .align 3
        .quad   .LC0+3
        .section        .text.startup,"ax",@progbits
        .align 2
        .p2align 4,,15
        .globl main
        .type   main, @function
0:      addis 2,12,.TOC.-.LCF1@ha
        addi 2,2,.TOC.-.LCF1@l
        .localentry     main,.-main
        mflr 0           # 23   [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/21
        addis 4,2,.LC1@toc@ha    # 35   [c=12 l=8]  fusion_gpr_load_di
        ld 4,.LC1@toc@l(4)
        li 6,1           # 8    [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/3
        li 5,3           # 9    [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/3
        li 3,55          # 11   [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/3
        std 0,16(1)      # 24   [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/0
        stdu 1,-32(1)    # 25   [c=4 l=4]  movdi_di_update/1
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
        .cfi_offset 65, 16
        bl bt_skip_func          # 12   [c=4 l=4]  *call_value_local_aixdi
        addi 1,1,32      # 28   [c=4 l=4]  *adddi3/1
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 0
        li 3,0           # 17   [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/3
        ld 0,16(1)       # 29   [c=8 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/1
        mtlr 0           # 30   [c=4 l=4]  *movdi_internal64/22
        .cfi_restore 65
        blr              # 31   [c=4 l=4]  simple_return
        .long 0
        .byte 0,0,0,1,128,0,0,0
        .size   main,.-main
        .section        .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1
        .align 3
        .string "ttttttttttttttttthis is some text that should be longer"
        .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 9.0.0 20180716 (experimental)"
        .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

bt_skip_func(const __uint32_t len_limit, const __uint8_t *cur,
             int delta, __uint32_t len) {

  const __uint8_t *pb = cur - delta;

  while (++len != len_limit) {
    if (pb[len] != cur[len])
    if (++len == len_limit)
    if (pb[len] != cur[len])
    if (++len == len_limit)
    if (pb[len] != cur[len])
    if (++len == len_limit)
    if (pb[len] != cur[len])

  return len;

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

  char *text_input = "ttttttttttttttttthis is some text that should be longer";
  int len_limit = strlen (text_input);
  int pos = 0;

  int cur_match = 0;
  int depth = 0;

  int result = bt_skip_func(len_limit, text_input + 3, 3, 1);

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