On Tue, 16 May 2017 at 21:08, Mike Stump <mikest...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On May 16, 2017, at 5:16 AM, Jonathan Wakely <jwakely....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The change I care about in 1.5.3
> So, we haven't talked much about the version people want most.  If we update, 
> might as well get something that more people care about.  1.5.3 is in ubuntu 
> LTS 16.04 and Fedora 24, so it's been around awhile.  SUSU is said to be 
> using 1.6, in the post 1.4.4 systems.  People stated they want 1.5.2 and 
> 1.5.3, so, I'm inclined to say, let's shoot for 1.5.3 when we do update.
> As for the machines in the FSF compile farm, nah, tail wagging the dog.  I'd 
> rather just update the requirement, and the owners or users of those machines 
> can install a new dejagnu, if they are using one that is too old and they 
> want to support testing gcc.

So.. let me ping that, again, now that another year has passed :)

PS: Recap: https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/fortran/2012-03/msg00094.html was
later applied as
and was part of the dejagnu-1.5.2 release from 2015. Jonathan requires
1.5.3 for libstdc++ testing.
The libdirs fix would allow us to remove the 150 occurrences of the
load_gcc_lib hack, refer to the patch to the fortran list back then.
AFAIR this is still not fixed: +# BUG: gcc-dg calls
gcc-set-multilib-library-path but does not load gcc-defs!

debian-stable (i think 9 ATM), Ubuntu LTS ship versions recent enough
to contain both fixes. Commercial distros seem to ship fixed versions,


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