Am 23.10.18 um 18:16 schrieb Dominique d'Humières:

Anyway, the attached patch fixes this,

It now gives the error

    4 |    integer, parameter :: I_FINDLOC_BACK(1) = findloc([1,1],1, &
       |                                            1
Error: transformational intrinsic 'findloc' at (1) is not permitted in an 
initialization expression

That error message was misleading, the new one now has

Error: Parameter 'x' at (1) has not been declared or is a variable, which does not reduce to a constant expression

The following test

program logtest3
    implicit none
! ********************************************************!
! ******* Everything depends on this parameter ***********!

    integer, parameter :: A1 = 2
    logical :: L
    L = transfer(A1,L)
    call sub(L)
end program logtest3

subroutine sub(x)
    implicit none
    logical x
    integer a(1)
    character(*), parameter :: strings(2) = ['.TRUE. ','.FALSE.']

    a = findloc([1,1],1,mask=[x,.TRUE.])
    write(*,'(a)') 'Value by FINDLOC(MASK): '// &
    a = findloc([1,1],1,back=x)
    write(*,'(a)') 'Value by FINDLOC(BACK): '// &

end subroutine sub

does not link:

     8 |    L = transfer(A1,L)
       |       1
Warning: Assigning value other than 0 or 1 to LOGICAL has undefined result at 
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
   "__gfortran_findloc0_i4", referenced from:
       _sub_ in ccnoLKfH.o
   "__gfortran_mfindloc0_i4", referenced from:
       _sub_ in ccnoLKfH.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Ah, I didn't include the newly generated files in the previous patch.
Now included.

Finally the line before the end of findloc_6.f90 should be

   if (findloc(ch,"CC ",dim=1,mask=false) /= 0) stop 23

Changed, also the whitespace fixes that Bernhard mentioned.

So, I think this should be clear for trunk now.  I will supply
the documentation later.


! { dg-do compile }
! Test errors in findloc.
program main
  integer, dimension(4) :: a
  logical, dimension(3) :: msk
  a = [2,4,6,8]
  print *,findloc(a) ! { dg-error "Missing actual argument" }
  print *,findloc(a,value=.true.) ! { dg-error "must be in type conformance to argument" }
  print *,findloc(a,23,dim=6) ! { dg-error "is not a valid dimension index" }
  print *,findloc(a,-42,dim=2.0) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER" }
  print *,findloc(a,6,msk) ! { dg-error "Different shape for arguments 'array' and 'mask'" }
  print *,findloc(a,6,kind=98) ! { dg-error "Invalid kind for INTEGER" }
end program main
! { dg-do run }
! Various tests with findloc.
program main
  implicit none
  real, dimension(2,2) :: a, b
  integer, dimension(2,3) :: c
  logical, dimension(2,2) :: lo
  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: e
  a = reshape([1.,2.,3.,4.], shape(a))
  b = reshape([1.,2.,1.,2.], shape(b))

  lo = .true.

  if (any(findloc(a, 5.) /= [0,0])) stop 1
  if (any(findloc(a, 5., back=.true.) /= [0,0])) stop 2
  if (any(findloc(a, 2.) /= [2,1])) stop 2
  if (any(findloc(a, 2. ,back=.true.) /= [2,1])) stop 3

  if (any(findloc(a,3.,mask=lo) /= [1,2])) stop 4
  if (any(findloc(a,3,mask=.true.) /= [1,2])) stop 5
  lo(1,2) = .false.
  if (any(findloc(a,3.,mask=lo) /= [0,0])) stop 6
  if (any(findloc(b,2.) /= [2,1])) stop 7
  if (any(findloc(b,2.,back=.true.) /= [2,2])) stop 8
  if (any(findloc(b,1.,mask=lo,back=.true.) /= [1,1])) stop 9
  if (any(findloc(b,1.,mask=.false.) /= [0,0])) stop 10

  c = reshape([1,2,2,2,-9,6], shape(c))
  if (any(findloc(c,value=2,dim=1) /= [2,1,0])) stop 11
  if (any(findloc(c,value=2,dim=2) /= [2,1])) stop 12
end program main
! { dg-do run }
! Various tests with findloc with character variables.
program main
  character(len=2) :: a(3,3), c(3,3), d(3,4)
  character(len=3) :: b(3,3)
  integer :: ret(2)
  integer :: i,j
  character(len=3) :: s
  logical :: lo
  logical, dimension(3,4) :: msk
  data a /"11", "21", "31", "12", "22", "32", "13", "23", "33" /
  data b /"11 ", "21 ", "31 ", "12 ", "22 ", "32 ", "13 ", "23 ", "33 " /
  if (any(findloc(a,"11 ") /= [1,1])) stop 1
  ret = findloc(b,"31")
  do j=1,3
     do i=1,3
        write(unit=s,fmt='(2I1," ")') i,j
        ret = findloc(b,s)
        if (b(ret(1),ret(2)) /= s) stop 2
     end do
  end do

  if (any(findloc(b(::2,::2),"13") /= [1,2])) stop 3

  do j=1,3
    do i=1,3
      write(unit=c(i,j),fmt='(I2)') 2+i-j
    end do
  end do

  if (any(findloc(c," 1") /= [1,2])) stop 4
  if (any(findloc(c," 1", back=.true.) /= [2,3])) stop 5
  if (any(findloc(c," 1", back=.true., mask=.false.) /= [0,0])) stop 6

  lo = .true.
  if (any(findloc(c," 2", dim=1) /= [1,2,3])) stop 7
  if (any(findloc(c," 2",dim=1,mask=lo) /= [1,2,3])) stop 8

  if (any(findloc(c," 2", dim=1,back=.true.) /= [1,2,3])) stop 9
  if (any(findloc(c," 2",dim=1,mask=lo,back=.true.) /= [1,2,3])) stop 10
  do j=1,4
     do i=1,3
        if (j<= i) then
           d(i,j) = "AA"
           d(i,j) = "BB"
        end if
     end do
  end do
  print '(4A3)', transpose(d)
  if (any(findloc(d,"AA") /= [1,1])) stop 11
  if (any(findloc(d,"BB") /= [1,2])) stop 12
  msk = .true.
  if (any(findloc(d,"AA", mask=msk) /= [1,1])) stop 11
  if (any(findloc(d,"BB", mask=msk) /= [1,2])) stop 12
  if (any(findloc(d,"AA", dim=1) /= [1,2,3,0])) stop 13
  if (any(findloc(d,"BB", dim=1) /= [0,1,1,1])) stop 14
  if (any(findloc(d,"AA", dim=2) /= [1,1,1])) stop 15
  if (any(findloc(d,"BB", dim=2) /= [2,3,4])) stop 16
  if (any(findloc(d,"AA", dim=1,mask=msk) /= [1,2,3,0])) stop 17
  if (any(findloc(d,"BB", dim=1,mask=msk) /= [0,1,1,1])) stop 18
  if (any(findloc(d,"AA", dim=2,mask=msk) /= [1,1,1])) stop 19
  if (any(findloc(d,"BB", dim=2,mask=msk) /= [2,3,4])) stop 20

  if (any(findloc(d,"AA", dim=1, back=.true.) /= [3,3,3,0])) stop 21
  if (any(findloc(d,"AA", dim=1, back=.true., mask=msk) /= [3,3,3,0])) stop 22
  if (any(findloc(d,"BB", dim=2, back=.true.) /= [4,4,4])) stop 23
  if (any(findloc(d,"BB", dim=2, back=.true.,mask=msk) /= [4,4,4])) stop 24

  msk(1,:) = .false.
  print '(4L3)', transpose(msk)
  if (any(findloc(d,"AA", dim=1,mask=msk) /= [2,2,3,0])) stop 21
  if (any(findloc(d,"BB", dim=2,mask=msk) /= [0,3,4])) stop 22
  if (any(findloc(d,"AA", dim=2, mask=msk, back=.true.) /= [0,2,3])) stop 23
  if (any(findloc(d,"AA", dim=1, mask=msk, back=.true.) /= [3,3,3,0])) stop 24

end program main
! { dg-do run }
! Test findloc with dim argument.

program main
  implicit none
  real, dimension(2,2) :: a, b
  logical, dimension(2,2) :: lo
  a = reshape([1.,2.,3.,4.], shape(a))
  b = reshape([1.,1.,1.,1.], shape(b))

  lo = .true.

  if (any(findloc(b,value=1.,dim=1) /= [1,1])) stop 1
  if (any(findloc(b,value=1.,dim=2) /= [1,1])) stop 2
  if (any(findloc(b,value=1.,dim=1,back=.true.) /= [2,2])) stop 3
  if (any(findloc(b,value=1.,dim=2,back=.true.) /= [2,2])) stop 4
  if (any(findloc(b,value=1.,dim=1,mask=lo) /= [1,1])) stop 5
  if (any(findloc(b,value=1.,dim=1,mask=lo,back=.true.) /= [2,2])) stop 6
  if (any(findloc(b,value=1.,dim=1,mask=.not. lo) /= [0,0])) stop 7
  lo(1,1) = .false.
  if (any(findloc(b,value=1.,dim=1,mask=lo) /= [2,1])) stop 8
  if (any(findloc(a,value=1.5,dim=2,back=.true.) /= [0,0])) stop 9
  if (any(findloc(a,value=1,dim=1,mask=lo) /= [0,0])) stop 10
end program main
! { dg-do  run }
! Check compile-time simplification of FINDLOC
program main
  integer,  dimension(4),  parameter :: a1 = [1,  2,  3,  1]
  integer,  parameter :: i1 = findloc(a1, 1, dim=1)
  integer,  parameter :: i2 = findloc(a1, 2, dim=1)
  integer,  parameter :: i3 = findloc(a1, 3, dim=1)
  integer,  parameter :: i4 = findloc(a1, 1, dim=1, back=.true.)
  integer,  parameter :: i0 = findloc(a1, -1, dim=1)
  logical,  dimension(4),  parameter :: msk = [.false., .true., .true., .true.]
  integer,  parameter :: i4a = findloc(a1, 1, dim=1, mask=msk)
  integer,  parameter :: i4b = findloc(a1, 1, dim=1, mask=msk, back=.true.)
  real, dimension(2,2), parameter :: a = reshape([1.,2.,3.,4.], [2,2]), &
       b =  reshape([1.,2.,1.,2.], [2,2])
  integer, parameter, dimension(2) :: t8 = findloc(a, 5.), t9 = findloc(a, 5., back=.true.)
  integer, parameter, dimension(2) :: t10= findloc(a, 2.), t11= findloc(a, 2., back=.true.)
  logical, dimension(2,2), parameter :: lo = reshape([.true., .false., .true., .true. ], [2,2])
  integer, parameter, dimension(2) :: t12 = findloc(b,2., mask=lo)

  integer, dimension(2,3), parameter :: c = reshape([1,2,2,2,-9,6], [2,3])
  integer, parameter, dimension(3) :: t13 = findloc(c, value=2, dim=1)
  integer, parameter, dimension(2) :: t14 = findloc(c, value=2, dim=2)

  character(len=2), dimension(3,3), parameter :: ac = reshape ( &
       ["11", "21", "31", "12", "22", "32", "13", "23", "33"], [3,3]);
  character(len=3), dimension(3,3), parameter :: bc = reshape (&
       ["11 ", "21 ", "31 ", "12 ", "22 ", "32 ", "13 ", "23 ", "33 "], [3,3]);
  integer, parameter, dimension(2) :: t15 = findloc(ac, "11")
  integer, parameter, dimension(2) :: t16 = findloc(bc, "31")

  if (i1 /= 1) stop 1
  if (i2 /= 2) stop 2
  if (i3 /= 3) stop 3
  if (i4 /= 4) stop 4
  if (i0 /= 0) stop 5
  if (i4a /= 4) stop 6
  if (i4b /= 4) stop 7
  if (any(t8 /= [0,0])) stop 8
  if (any(t9 /= [0,0])) stop 9
  if (any(t10 /= [2,1])) stop 10
  if (any(t11 /= [2,1])) stop 11
  if (any(t12 /= [2,2])) stop 12
  if (any(t13 /= [2,1,0])) stop 13
  if (any(t14 /= [2,1])) stop 14
  if (any(t15 /= [1,1])) stop 15
  if (any(t16 /= [3,1])) stop 16
end program main
! { dg-do run }
! Test different code paths for findloc with scalar result.

program main
  integer, dimension(0:5) :: a = [1,2,3,1,2,3]
  logical, dimension(6) :: mask = [.false.,.false.,.false.,.true.,.true.,.true.]
  logical, dimension(6) :: mask2
  logical :: true, false
  character(len=2), dimension(6) :: ch = ["AA", "BB", "CC", "AA", "BB", "CC"]

  true = .true.
  false = .false.
  mask2 = .not. mask

! Tests without mask

  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1,back=false) /= 2) stop 1
  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1,back=.false.) /= 2) stop 2
  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1) /= 2) stop 3
  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1,back=.true.) /= 5) stop 4
  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1,back=true) /= 5) stop 5

! Test with array mask
  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1,mask=mask) /= 5) stop 6
  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1,mask=mask,back=.true.) /= 5) stop 7
  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1,mask=mask,back=.false.) /= 5) stop 8
  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1,mask=mask2) /= 2) stop 9
  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1,mask=mask2,back=.true.) /= 2) stop 10
  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1,mask=mask2,back=true) /= 2) stop 11

! Test with scalar mask

  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1,mask=.true.) /= 2) stop 12
  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1,mask=.false.) /= 0) stop 13
  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1,mask=true) /= 2) stop 14
  if (findloc(a,2,dim=1,mask=false) /= 0) stop 15

! Some character tests

  if (findloc(ch,"AA",dim=1) /= 1) stop 16
  if (findloc(ch,"AA",dim=1,mask=mask) /= 4) stop 17
  if (findloc(ch,"AA",dim=1,back=.true.) /= 4) stop 18
  if (findloc(ch,"AA",dim=1,mask=mask2,back=.true.) /= 1) stop 19

! Nothing to be found here...
  if (findloc(ch,"DD",dim=1) /= 0) stop 20
  if (findloc(a,4,dim=1) /= 0) stop 21

! Finally, character tests with a scalar mask.

  if (findloc(ch,"CC ",dim=1,mask=true) /= 3) stop 22
  if (findloc(ch,"CC ",dim=1,mask=false) /= 0) stop 23
end program main
! { dg-do compile }
! This used to ICE with an infinite recursion during development.
! Test case by Dominique d'Humieres.

program logtest3 
   implicit none 
   logical :: x = .true. 
   integer, parameter :: I_FINDLOC_BACK(1) = findloc([1,1],1, back=x) ! { dg-error "does not reduce to a constant expression" }
end program logtest3

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