The tricky part starts in the prologue for

   if (vr0->undefined_p ())
       vr0->deep_copy (vr1);

but yes, we probably can factor out a bit more common code
here.  I'll see to followup with more minor cleanups this
week (noticed a few details myself).

Like this?  (untested)

I would inline value_range_base::union_helper into value_range_base::union_, and remove all the undefined/varying/etc stuff from value_range::union_.

If should work because upon return from value_range_base::union_, in the this->undefined_p case, the base class will copy everything but the equivalences. Then the derived union_ only has to nuke the equivalences if this->undefined or this->varying, and the equivalences' IOR just works.

For instance, in the case where other->undefined_p, there shouldn't be anything in the equivalences so the IOR won't copy anything to this as expected. Similarly for this->varying_p.

In the case of other->varying, this will already been set to varying so neither this nor other should have anything in their equivalence fields, so the IOR won't do anything.

I think I covered all of them...the bitmap math should just work. What do you think?

Finally, as I've hinted before, I think we need to be careful that any time we change state to VARYING / UNDEFINED from a base method, that the derived class is in a sane state (there are no equivalences set per the API contract). This was not originally enforced in VRP, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are dragons if we enforce honesty. I suppose, since we have an API, we could enforce this lazily: any time equiv() is called, clear the equivalences or return NULL if it's varying or undefined? Just a thought.

Thanks for more cleanups in this area.

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