On Tue, 13 Nov 2018, Tamar Christina wrote:

> Would restricting it to flag_unsafe_math_optimizations not be enough in 
> this case? Since if it's only done for unsafe math then you likely won't 
> care about a small loss in precision anyway?

We have what should be the right logic (modulo DFP issues) in 
convert_to_real_1, for converting (outertype)((innertype0)a+(innertype1)b) 
into ((newtype)a+(newtype)b).  I think the right thing to do is to move 
that logic, including the associated comments, from convert_to_real_1 to 
match.pd (not duplicate it or a subset in both places - make match.pd able 
to do everything that logic in convert.c does, so it's no longer needed in 
convert.c).  That logic knows both when the conversion is OK based on 
flag_unsafe_math_optimizations, and when it's OK based on 

(Most of the other special case logic in convert_to_real_1 to optimize 
particular conversions would make sense to move as well - but for your 
present issue, only the PLUS_EXPR / MINUS_EXPR / MULT_EXPR / RDIV_EXPR 
logic should need to move.)

> But my simple testcase is

I'd hope a simpler test could be added - one not involving complex 
arithmetic at all, just an intermediate temporary variable or whatever's 
needed for convert_to_real_1 not to apply.

Joseph S. Myers

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